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Holistic treatments for pain at Total Health in New Berlin & Menomonee Falls

How Does Pain Work

We often regard pain as a feeling or emotion. However, pain is a scientific process. Pain is the body’s warning and response system when something is wrong. Sensory receptors send a traveling message via nerve fibers to the spinal cord, brainstem and finally, the brain. The signal sent back is the brain’s way of getting your attention.

Why do we need pain? Sensing pain prevents further injury and action. For example, the pain associated with broken bones limits further use. Without pain, further use and damage would occur.

Understanding the nervous processes behind pain allows doctors to block or subdue pain until the body is healed. As a holistic-focused business, we combine several scientific methods to offer an effective, natural approach.

Types of Pain

Pain is divided into 2 categories: acute and chronic. During an acute pain episode, pain receptors transmit signals to prevent further damage. The pain resolves once the area is healed. Stubbing your foot or burning yourself on the stove are examples.

Chronic pain is felt after the body heals and the brain continues to perceive pain. Genetics, physiological mechanisms and psychological factors are at play. Chronic pain is less understood by scientists than acute pain.

Chronic and acute pain can be caused by a specific illness or injury, or it can be related to certain chronic or long-term diseases or conditions such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Endometriosis
  • Cancer

Remedies for Chronic and Acute Pain

  1. Strain-Counterstrain: 

    Ever completed therapy only to have conditions reappear or continue to be bothersome? Similar to traditional therapy, Counterstrain focuses on muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments with one key difference.

    Unlike therapy, Counterstrain looks at the whole body including the lymphatic system, nerves, fascia, organs, muscles, arteries and veins. The goal is to restore the clogged pump mechanism in the lymphatic system to allow the fascia to function normally and relieve connective tissue pain.

    Get relief from acute or chronic pain, tightness, spasms, joint stiffness and other hard-to-explain symptoms through Counterstrain. Join our Counterstrain Seminar to learn more or sign up for a 30-minute, one-on-one evaluation

  2. Mindfulness and Breathwork: 

    You may wonder: “How can breathing reduce pain, I’m always breathing!” Although this is a popular, understandable question, breathwork has been scientifically proven to reduce acute and chronic pain. Breathwork and mindfulness differ from normal breathing patterns.

    Scientific research proves breathwork reduces autonomic activity, the fear-based fight-or-flight response and pain scores. Breathwork alters the perception of pain and helps patients better cope with the stress and anxiety that often accompanies chronic pain.

    One study found breathwork altered core muscle activation and significantly decreased pain in patients with chronic lower back pain. Another study found a reduction in reported pain scores in women with fibromyalgia after deep breathing exercises.

    Learn more about conscious, connected breathing techniques through our BREATHE! Seminar.

  3. CBD Treatment: 

    CBD is naturally extracted from the hemp plant and does not contain THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. CBD binds to cell receptors and influences how the body perceives pain. CBD is an effective, natural treatment for pain relief and does not induce the same side effects as pharmaceuticals. 

    What the Studies Say:

  • According to Frontiers in Pharmacology, CBD binds to cell receptors and stimulates different cell responses to influence pain signaling pathways.
  • A study from ScienceDirect discovered CBD interacts with neurological receptors in the spinal cord to suppress chronic pain and strengthen the effects of AEA, a pain-reducing cannabinoid.
  • Patients of kidney transplants reported significant pain improvements after CBD treatment, according to ScienceDirect.
  • CBD reduced arthritis-related joint swelling and pain in mice in a study published by the National Library of Medicine.
  • CBD research participants report positive attitudes towards CBD treatment options and positive outcomes when used for pain-related conditions.

Whatever the source of your pain, the practitioners at Total Health will assess and treat your pain by doing more than just patching up your symptoms. We work to uncover the root cause of your pain and offer services based on your unique health goals to increase your mental and physical resilience. With Total Health, you’ll have access to effective pain-reducing therapies and be equipped with powerful pain management techniques to help you rediscover the freedom and joy of less pain or a pain-free life.

Contact Total Health today at one of our locations in Menomonee Falls or New Berlin for a free initial phone consultation.

We are now serving Brookfield, Brown Deer, Butler, Germantown, Menomonee Falls, Mequon, Milwaukee, Muskego, New Berlin, Sussex, Wauwatosa, West Allis, West Bend, Waukesha, & beyond.

Shop Pain Relief Products from Total Health

Clinical Services

Our team of holistic practitioners determines the best way to alleviate your symptoms based on non-invasive testing and your wellness goals. We target the root cause of inflammation & heavy metal toxicity at the cellular level so that you can take back control of your health instead of managing symptoms. Our most popular clinical services include:

All Clinical Services


in Menomonee FallsNew Berlin

Our seminars show you how holistic medicine can change your life. We are ready to explain the science behind naturopathic medicine, weight loss resistance, thyroid hormone regulation, and chronic fatigue.

Check back soon! 2023 seminars are on their way!

Additional Resources

Advanced Fascial Counterstrain to Relieve Pain

Listen in as Marty Johnson interviews the newest addition to the Total Health team- Janell Strupp PT, CPI. Hear how she can outsmart pain and dysfunction with advanced fascial counterstrain. With this technique people have found relieve from pain stemming from multiple dysfunctions within the body, including acute or chronic neck pain, back pain, headache, shoulder, knee or hip pain.

Natural Products for Pain Relief

Natural Products for Pain Relief

Listen in as Marty Johnson talks about natural products for managing pain, and what to combine them with for more effective results.

Maximizing the Use of CBD for Chronic Pain

Pairing CBD with other spices, vitamins, and minerals can boost its effects in unique ways.

Can Neurofeedback Help With Chronic Pain?

Neurofeedback for Pain: An image on a man curled in a ball in pain.

The brain is essentially in charge of everything in regards to pain in the body, i.e. how severely it’s perceived and where the pain is occurring.

REAL Customer Testimonials & Reviews

What was it like before you came to see us? Before I came to Total Health, I had chronic fatigue, blood vessels popping in my hands, painful knee joins, sluggish mentally, depression, digestive gas, bruised easily, and had ringing in my ears. How is it now? Now my mental alertness is much better. I don’t bruise easily or pop vessels in my hands. I have no gas, my knees don’t hurt at all, my depression is at least 75% better, I have more energy and I’ve lost 12lbs. I’ve changed the food I buy and eat and I’m enjoying buying size 4 & 6 pants instead of size 8. Read More

- Barb

What was your health like before you came to see us? I was always very tired and sick to my stomach. Pain was daily and I have Rh arthritis and fibromyalgia. How is your health now? My energy level is way up, pain and swelling way down. I don’t feel sick getting out of bed anymore. Read More

- Candace

What was it like before you came to see us? I had headaches, really high blood pressure, depression, back pain, thyroid problems, digestive problems, and heart palpitations. How is it now? I feel great. The depression is completely gone. My thyroid is almost healed. The blood pressure came down 50 points. Back and headaches are minimal and digestive problems are solved to a point that I can digest my food properly and lastly no more heart palpitations. Read More

- Chris S.

What was it like before you came to see us? I felt terrible all the time. My stomach was consistently bloated. I was had arthritis on my feet, knees, and fingers. By the end of the day, my ankles would be swollen and hurting. I had shortness of breath when going up a small flight of steps. I ate way too many carbs and sweets. I always craved salty and sugary foods. Bread was one of my favorite staples. My heart was bad, I had thyroid issues, I was anxious and my health was not balanced at all.  How is it now? I feel great. I have always been into taking supplements but probably not the right o... Read More

- Cindy

What was it like before you came in to see us? Before I came to see Dr. Marty, I had the following health issues: Migraines weekly Constant pain in both hips Constant pain in my left knee High blood pressure 25+ pounds overweight I really had no energy. I always felt tired. I also had to have my two cups of coffee, every morning and a sugar fix (candy bar, brownie or homemade dessert) every afternoon. How is it now? I did the 3-week detox and didn’t cheat at all while on the detox. I also exercised 3-4 times per week. As a result, my migraines, hip pain, knee pain, high blood pressure and 25... Read More

- Doris

What was it like before you came to see us? I was overweight and had aching joints. I had gout and plaque buildup in my arteries as well. How is it now? I have noticed an 80% improvement. I feel younger and have more energy. I have lost weight and improved my health. Read More

- Irene

What was it like before you came in to see us? When I came to see Marty I was pretty much at the lowest point physically that I have ever been. I was very tired, fatigued, had joint pains, and very painful side pains. After working with Marty on my troubled areas for 6 months, I have lost weight but more importantly, my health has greatly improved. I no longer lie on the couch at the end of my workday because of exhaustion or pain. How is it now? Besides some weight loss, my health has improved. I feel so much better and energetic. My joints feel so much better. I used to get hip injections ev... Read More

- Jamie

Almost 3 years ago now, I had horrible fatigue, back pain, neck pain, chest pain, horrible stomach pain, migraines, pain in my neck, troubles sleeping, depression, and half the food I ate made everything worse. I couldn’t function normal half the days of the week. My normal doctor just diagnosed me as having IBS. Total Health found what was actually wrong with my body (root problems not symptoms) and treated those problems with natural solutions. It took at least 6 months before I noticed significant changes. But, today I have no ongoing pain anymore and depression issues. I got my life back, ... Read More

- Jena

What was your health like before you came to see us? Physically, I was overweight and my joints were stiff and sore. I had “brain fog” at various times and became easily overwhelmed at perceived difficult tasks or events. My emotions or feelings would be on an up and down cycle, with sometimes overeating to various life events. Also, my skin was dry around my eyes and hands. How is your health now? My weight has decreased (and this wasn’t my number 1 goal!) I am no longer experiencing stiffness or pain in my joints. I’m waking up in the morning feeling more rested. My ‘brain fog’ has disappear... Read More

- John D.

What was your health like before you came to see us? I was dealing with migraines 5-6 times a week, feeling lethargic, fatigued and always had an afternoon slump. How is your health now? Great! I don’t remember ever feeling as great as I do now. I am down to 1 migraine a month, have energy and never get tired in the afternoon. I have learned so much from everyone at Total health and look forward to a continued relationship for any health needs. Read More

- Mindy

What was it like before you came in to see us? I had hives on my face and lips. Every day I was taking Benadryl and sleeping all the time from the medication. My allergist could only suggest Benadryl and avoiding certain foods, but I continued to have hives daily. My digestion has been a problem for 20 years. I had horrible pains from gas daily. I took so much aspirin to control the pain that I started bleeding in my stool. I had a colonoscopy that revealed my colon was normal and that I had irritable bowel syndrome. The doctor offered some diet advice – it didn’t help much. I continued to hav... Read More

- Nancy S.

What was your health like before you came to see us? I suffered from pitting edema in bilateral lower ankles. It reddened and was hot to touch. I had bulging varicose veins that were very painful and swollen. How is your health now? WOOHOO. I am ready to join the Rockettes. The varicose veins are essentially gone. The veins are not bulging nor swelling and have faded away. Read More

- Noreen H.

What was it like before you came to see us? Before I came to see Dr. Johnson, I was miserable. I was stuffy and congested, had shortness of breath, my eyes burned and itched, and I was tired all the time. I felt my allergies were getting worse as days went by. I was also bloated, constipated, had frequent headaches, muscle aches and stiffness. My diet was not balanced and had too much sugar. How is it now? Dr. Johnson helped me with new eating habits and supplements. I felt so much better. In two weeks I could breathe better, my eyes felt 100% better. I was not bloated and constipated anymore.... Read More

- Sandra

What was it like before you came to see us? Before coming in, I had a lot of pain from acid reflux and pressure tension headaches. My body seemed totally unbalanced with an unending myriad of allergic reactions to many unknown things. I was afraid of eating just about everything except very bland foods. After months of no improvements, I began to despair of ever feeling any better. How is it now? After coming in I was greatly relieved to have these strange symptoms addressed & the root causes uncovered and treated with whole food supplements. It was wondrously simple and noninvasive. Everythin... Read More

- Sandra W.

What was your health like before you came to see us? I was having abdominal pain, anxiety and fatigue. How is your health now? Much improved! I am eating better and my symptoms are all gone. They really do teach you how to eat and encourage you to be in control of your health. Read More

- Stephanie

What was your health like before you came to see us? Poor – I had frequent, chronic issues with digestion, stomach pain and feel sick in general. I also had significant depression. My body temperature seemed to fluctuate and I often had cold hands and feet. How is your health now? Very good – I’ve learned some of my triggers for stomach pain and related issues. The dietary changes I’ve made have created a significant improvement in how I feel on a daily basis. In addition, the supplements have been very helpful in how I feel mentally and physically as well. Thank you to everyone at Total Healt... Read More

- Tiffany

What was it like before you came to see us? I was so sick of dieting and exercising with no results. It was like my body stopped responding to both. I felt bloated all the time, felt heavy, had mood swings, my periods were long, painful and frequent. My energy level was not what it used to be. I felt like a mess and I didn’t want to be on my way to being a fat, old, loser. I knew because I was over 50, that my metabolism would change, but I was not willing to go there! I’m so grateful that I found Marty Johnson- who put me on the purification program. How is it now? It’s so true that it takes ... Read More

- Vera

Meet your practitioners

Martin Johnson

DHM, Owner and Natural Health Consultant


Martin has spent over 30 years researching and educating people how to take back their health. He can be found guest lecturing throughout the year on natural health topics. He has a passion to help identify root causes of health conditions and help turn the momentum of his client’s health in a positive direction.

Karen Peplin

Licensed Massage Therapist & Licensed Acupuncturist


Karen has an extensive background in both acupuncture and massage therapy. She is board certified in acupuncture since 2009 and as a licensed Massage Therapist since 1995.

Manda Johnson

Licensed Massage Therapist


Manda brings years of experience in natural healing to her massage practice. She received her training at the Wisconsin School of Massage Therapy and is certified in CPR AED, first aid for Health Care Professionals and as a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Monica A. Judge

Licensed Acupuncturist, MSOM, B.S. Nutrition


Monica has been practicing acupuncture since 2008. She is licensed by the state of Wisconsin and nationally board certified by the NCCAOM.

Elizabeth Johnson

BS, Certified Red Light Therapy Practitioner


Elly's background in tennis & bodybuilding, combined with her passion to help people, has led to her career here helping people become the best version of themselves through natural approaches. Red Light Therapy has changed her clients lives significantly, being a non-invasive solution for fat loss, pain management, skin rejuvenation, and so much more.

Corianne Maas

Doctor of Physical Therapy


Corianne is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Fascial Counterstrain provider. Drawn to the gentle, integrated nature and power of the technique in her own journey to healing, Corianne knew that Counterstrain was something she needed to share with others. She would love to work with you using this evidence-based technique not only to overcome acute or chronic pain and discomfort, but also to promote ongoing wellness and longevity.

Janell Strupp

Licensed Physical Therapist


Janell's background includes 30+ years of rehabilitation experience as a physical therapist. Since 2010, she has been focusing her efforts on a technique called Fascial Counterstrain. Backed by the latest research on fascia's role in reducing or eliminating sources of acute or chronic pain and inflammation, and having witnessed life changing effects in the lives of her family members and clients, she would love to share the benefits of this innovative technique with you.

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